Maui Aerial Stock Photos

The most popular Maui Condo Drone Photos

We have a comprehensive Maui Aerial Stock Photo Library. We have aerial photos and site photos of almost every condo in Kihei, Wailea, Ma’alea and West Maui.

Generic Maui beach photos, tropical marketing images, and upcountry, Kula, and North Shores photos are also available for online purchase.

Click the hyperlinks below and check out online. Inquire if you have other photos needed, we are constantly updating our database and take new photos.

Contact us for technical questions of downloading at

You can check out directly online.

OR contact us to purchase if there is any technical issues.

Please fill out the above form to purchase.

For press / news /publication, photo credit: FLOCUS Studio

If you want to schedule a NEW aerial photoshoot with us on a specific property, feel free to contact us.

We offer aerial photography and videography services.

West Maui Stock Photos

Kihei, Wailea, & Makena Stock Photos

All Photos are Copyrighted by Flocus Studio.

Have any questions? Can’t find what you need?

Lahaina Stock Photos

Aerial photos of Lahaina before 2023 August. Photos are in memories of Lahaina and proceeds will go towards rebuild and support the local community who lost their homes.

Maui Regions Aerial Photos

West Maui Area I

West Maui Area II

West Maui Area III

View from Upcountry


Kihei District

Central and South Kihei District (new)





Maui Hawaii Marketing photos

South Maui Beaches

Wailuku & Ma’alaea Stock Photos