In our highly competitive marketplace, the role of digital photography and social media presence is crucial for the success of any small and big business. Posting anything on your accounts is not enough. Profiles with low-quality pictures may have a hard time getting good engagement and can affect your brand image. With the short attention spans of the digital age, it only takes a few seconds for a consumer or client to know if they’ll push through with the deal after looking at the photos. Properly edited photographs and high-quality visuals can deliver the desired message about your brand and business to your respective audience.

Let’s summarize the need for advanced editing services for real estate photography.

  1. Building the image for your brand - your photos can say a lot about your brand signature and how professional or casual you might want to be.

  2. Vibrant Images - dull, dark, and raw images wouldn’t really help in creating an appealing photo listing. Photo enhancements make sure that your property is seen in the best light possible without misleading your potential buyers.

  3. Better Sales - making your images visually stunning will attract more audience, thereby increasing engagement and eventually garnering better sales prospects.

  4. Creating credibility and reputation - high-quality photos provide a reason for people to rate you as someone who values their customers more than those profiles with low-quality photos. Using your own original image instead of stock also builds your reputation.

  5. Social Media Presence - with our technology nowadays and current situation, social media is “THE PLACE TO BE”. You’ll always want to create a stronger social media presence for your business through high-quality images, be it through Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest to name a few.

Apart from providing Standard Quality Editing Service for property photos, we can go the extra mile for your specific preference or provide a better image outcome when we face environmental challenges during the photoshoot. Our advanced editing services include:

  • Photo Masking and Layers

  • Photo Stitching - combining multiple photographic images to produce a high-resolution image or a panorama.

  • Portrait Corrections - fixing the complexion and features of people in the photos

  • Background Removal - removing cars. people, birds, and everything else you want to remove from your image to make it picture-perfect.

  • Sky Replacement - a pretty neat feature in most photo editing software, making it easier for photographers or editors to replace the sky in any photo with a different one.

Advance Editing is essentially the icing on your cake!

On average, there are 276 sunny days per year in Maui County, so there would still be no sunny days that are not suitable for a perfect photoshoot. Achieving a perfect and bright blue sky in the background of the property for listing is also easier said than done. For one, you can’t control the weather, and waiting for the ideal conditions for photoshoots is not always feasible especially for those back-to-back vacation rental units.


Raw Photo
After Post-Processing

Notice the difference in the 1st photo which is the raw image of the property from the 2nd photo or after editing.

Sky replacement has been used to replace the dark gray skies with a vibrant blue sky. We will ensure your photos have BLUE Sky, even on rainy or cloudy days.

The following four pictures are from the same property listing. Photos are of “before photo editing or the raw images” and the “after editing photos”

lanai cloudy view - property listing
lanai - after photo editing, blue sky

The cloudy or rainy weather conditions causing gray skies can definitely affect your real estate photo listings. Take the opportunity to highlight the beauty of your property through advanced editing services. This will give your listing an instant boost with the pop of vibrant colors.

Car/Object/People Removal

lanai before car removal photo editing

Given a time when your camera and subjects are all set, but you’re also outside in a public area where you don’t have any control over who is parked in front of your lanai and other objects that may suddenly appear in your captured image. What do you do?

We use the handy tools of post-processing to clear the view from any distraction. Does it make misleading content? No, as it uses the same view less the cars or other objects. Does it provide you and your clients a better view of the property’s outside features? Absolutely yes!

Car Removal After Photo Editing

Here are a few more examples of the before and after car (circled) removal editing process.

***Depending on the number of objects subject for removal or the complexity of the photo, advanced digital modification may cost extra fee.

cars in the background before edit
Bedroom photo with car removal after photo editing
living room with cars in background
living room photo edited without cars

Ocean Views

Love Ocean View?

See the comparison on the ocean between the same photo. This was taken just before the rain. Unfortunately, we cannot control the weather, but we will try our best to make it look more appealing.

Drone photo beach view cloudy day
Maui photographer, maui drone

Now, take 5 seconds to look at the ocean in these next pictures.

Let us know in the comments down below how you felt seeing the blue ocean.

Oceanfront property with beach views, sunny day
oceanfront property beach views sunny day

Richard Shuster, PsyD, clinical psychologist and host of The Daily Helping podcast has this to say about how the beach gets us feeling more Zen. “The color blue has been found by an overwhelming amount of people to be associated with feelings of calm and peace,” says Shuster. “Staring at the ocean actually changes our brain waves’ frequency and puts us into a mild meditative state.” There is also the book “Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do” that has been backed by research that confirms how spending time near water is key to “achieving an elevated and sustained happiness”. So it shouldn’t be a wonder why Hawaii tops U.S. Wellbeing for a 7th-time record since 2008.

Even with gorgeous beaches surrounding these properties and the high number of sunny days in Aloha State, the scheduled time and day may coincide with unfavorable weather conditions that we cannot change.

For property photo listings that include ocean views, it is best to schedule the photoshoot in the morning or at an earlier time of the day depending on the location, unless we are trying to catch the sunset shots viewed from the property. This is because we want to avoid taking pictures against the sun which can leave us with unsatisfying results.

The sun’s position and lighting at a certain time of the day affect the color of the ocean which can make it grayish and dull. However, if there are time constraints in scheduling the photo shoot, we can assure you to bring vibrant colors into the game through our professional editing services.

Check the next photo listing pictures which were taken at not the most ideal time - against the sunlight, but given that late afternoon was the only time we could schedule, we adjusted the blue color to prevent the ocean from looking too silvery.

real estate property listing with beach views
oceanfront property unit, photo against the light
against the light, beach property unit

Given these certain factors and qualifications that can influence your property’s photo listings marketability and your brand image, the important thing you’ll have to decide now is choosing among the various photographers. This is where research and portfolios are crucial in the selection process. Choose the most suitable provider that can offer you unique service propositions and the one closest to your brand image, or at best the one that can work around more closely with your preference.

Check out our portfolio and list of services available.

All photos and materials in this blog are copyrighted by FLOCUS Studio LLC. Do not copy or repost. Thank you.


Need a Photographer? Here is what they need to know: Tips for hiring Maui Real Estate Photographer


Our Service Overview: What type of media do you need to market your listing?