HAYCRAFT BEACH:夏威夷毛伊岛中央的海滩
Haycraft Beach位于毛伊岛Ma'alea的中间地带, 通常只有当地人会到的一个海滩,非常安静。您可以享受与伴侣游玩的自由,而无需担心旁人的眼光。
因为它位于岛的中间,Haycraft beach既有南侧的Haleakala Volcano (哈雷阿卡拉国家公园) 和北侧的West Maui Mountains。如果你想让Haleakala火山作为你的照片的背景,日落是个拍照的好时机。如果你想炫耀绿松石海水的天蓝颜色,日出会更适合。
夏威夷茂宜岛适合婚礼和婚照的海滩:Makena Cove
当人问我哪个海滩拥有最具标志性的夏威夷 外观时,我会投票给Makena Cove。这个'秘密海滩'是毛伊岛南部海滩婚礼的神奇目的地。
Makena Cove拥有白色的沙滩,棕榈树,海浪和戏剧性的熔岩形成背景,为那些想要庆祝坚如磐石爱情的夫妇提供了一个美丽的背景。
请注意,Makena Cove是一个非常小的海滩。穿过岩壁有一个小入口。我认为这对情侣来说是一个好地方,但可能不是家庭或团体照片的理想场所。想在Makena Cove结婚,周末日落时分可能会很拥挤。如果您想要更多隐私,日出将是更好选择。
我也喜欢在Makena Cove 拍孕妇
立即下载夏威夷茂宜岛必去海滩免费指南 ,介绍摄影爱好者最喜欢的8个茂宜岛海滩
茂宜島西部 - 愛在懸崖:Ironwood beach (Oneloa Beach)
位于夏威夷茂宜岛西部Kapalua一带,Ironwood Beach拥有四分之一英里长的白色沙滩, 并且比较人烟稀薄。与大型度假村附近的Napili海滩或Airport beach不同,Ironwood位于私人住宅区,因此没有太多旅客前往这个海滩。
在Ironwood beach峭壁的一个美好夏威夷式婚礼。
回顾一下Ironwood Beach的亮点:
Ironwood Beach (Oneloa)海滩的位置:
Maui Beaches for Family Photo Session: Ulua Beach in Wailea
As a Maui portrait photographer, I always look for beautiful beaches in Maui to take pictures. Ulua Beach, located in Wailea, a few minutes from Grand Wailea and the Four Season Resorts in Maui and Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort, is a great beach to show off the turquoise ocean water with palm trees background and lava rocks.
My favorite part about shooting a family portrait in Ulua Beach is that there are a few black lava rocks covered in moss. The colors of the rocks, ocean blue and sandy beach create a perfect aloha backdrop to show off to your friends you have been to Hawaii!
Because it is not a beach right off from a big resort, it is less crowed. If you get up early for sunrise, you will see the calm perfect pink and purple colors of the sky against the calm ocean blue water. If you want the ocean blue color and more tropical feel, an hour before sunset is a good time to take pictures there.
I had a fun sunset session with the Logan family. Here are some of the highlights.
There is a small grassy area with a tree trunk to sit on.
In my next few blog posts, I am going to introduce some of the Top Beaches in Maui for Portrait Session. I will share with you what kind of sessions each beach is good for. Here is a little sneak peek of my Top Beaches guide. Can’t wait? You can also download the guide now!
Ulua Beach Location, there is a public parking space next to the bathroom and foot wash. Very convenient!